Penny Wars
Monday, September 26th – Friday, September 30th
What Is It?
Penny Wars is a fundraiser where teams compete for the MOST points. Students & families bring in pennies or checks to place in their team jar or pay online at PayPal or Zelle for POSITIVE points for their team (make sure you mark which team).
To SABOTAGE a group: place silver coins in their jar to give them NEGATIVE points.
We’ve also added a Star Wars spin because….it’s Star Wars, do we really need a reason??
How it works/Rules:
Students are divided into teams (upper, middle & lower hall) and each is assigned a collection bucket.
Buckets will be located outside the entrance gates on campus each morning from 7:00 – 8:00 AM.
Pennies/Dollars/Checks/PayPal/Zelle are positive points. Silver coins are negative points.
Strategy tip: Place silver coins in opposing team jars.
Please make checks payable to Briar Vista PTO.
The money in each team bucket will be counted daily and the points tallied. Point standings will be posted daily at the end of the school day on the bulletin board, PTO Facebook, and Instagram page.
The team with the most points at the end of the week wins a Popcorn Party!
Academic Connections:
Students learn to differentiate coin value.
Students practice counting money.
Builds classroom & hallmate camaraderie.
New vocabulary – strategy, competition, SABOTAGE
Practice at home:
Practice identifying money values and counting money.
Older students can practice converting money to Penny War points.
Have your child total the points that they are planning to donate to their team jar.
Review the end-of-day tally sheet to see how many of the total points they contributed.
Points Values:
Penny: (+) Add 1 point
Check: (+) Add check amount (e.g. $5 check = 500 points)
$1 Bill: (+) Add 100 points $5 Bill: (+) Add 500 points
Nickel: (-) Subtract 5 Points Dime: (-) Subtract 10 Points Quarter: (-) Subtract 25 points Half Dollar: (-) Subtract 50 points
SNEAK Attack: Any donations made via PayPal or Zelle are POSITIVE points (make sure you put which team you’re supporting)!
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